
We are a small group of academic researchers made up of academics of various nationalities. We started EWSTranslate to showcase our translations of interesting academic texts we have discovered in the course of our own research endeavours and to make these more readily available to students and scholars for whom English is not a first language. With the support of www.essaywritingserviceuk.co.uk we aim to level the playing field in the quality and availability of educational resources in all languages.


Ecaterina Ștefănescu



  • Ecaterina has a PhD in Literature and a Masters degree in Foreign Languages and Literature. In addition to her native Romanian, she is fluent in both English and French and has translated numerous extensive academic texts in these languages.
  • Ecaterina a fost pentru EWSTranslate de peste 5 ani. Are un Doctorat în Literatură și o diplomă de Master în Limbi și Literatură Străină. În plus față de limba Română, ea este fluentă în Engleză și Franceză și a tradus numeroase texte academice extinse în aceste limbi.




  • Dimitrinka has 10 years experience as a translator. She has worked mainly in the fields of law, finance, medicine and technology. She has a Masters degree in Law and a Diploma in Translation.
  • Димитринка има 10 години опит като преводач. Работила е предимно в областта на правото, финансите, медицината и технологиите. Има магистърска степен по право и диплома по превод.

Matthias Strauch



  • Matthias has a PhD in Linguistics and a Masters degree in English Language and Literature. In addition to his native German, he is fluent in both English and has translated a multitude of academic texts in between the two languages.
  • Matthias ist seit 2 Jahren bei EWSTranslate. Er hat einen Doktortitel in Linguistik und einen Master-Abschluss in Englischer Sprache und Literatur. Neben seiner muttersprache Deutsch spricht er fließend Englisch und hat eine vielzahl von wissenschaftlichen texten zwischen den beiden Sprachen übersetzt.